tychoGUI  1.0
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Ui::MainWindow Class Reference

#include <ui_mainwindow.h>

Inheritance diagram for Ui::MainWindow:

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Ui_MainWindow
void setupUi (QMainWindow *MainWindow)
void retranslateUi (QMainWindow *MainWindow)
- Data Fields inherited from Ui_MainWindow
QAction * actionOpen
QAction * actionSave
QAction * actionConfigure
QAction * actionLocal_Job
QAction * actionRemote_Simulation
QAction * actionAbout
QAction * actionQuit
QAction * actionOpen_2
QAction * actionSave_Parameterfile
QAction * actionQuit_2
QAction * actionLocal_Simulation
QAction * actionRemote_Simulation_2
QAction * actionHelp
QAction * actionAbout_2
QAction * actionWebsite
QAction * actionReset
QAction * actionTycho_GUI
QAction * actionConfigure_Path
QWidget * centralwidget
QFrame * frame
QGroupBox * groupBox_2
QWidget * layoutWidget
QGridLayout * gridLayout
QLabel * label_13
QComboBox * bound_up
QLabel * label_14
QComboBox * bound_left
QLabel * label_15
QComboBox * bound_right
QLabel * label_16
QComboBox * bound_front
QLabel * label_17
QComboBox * bound_back
QLabel * label_12
QComboBox * bound_down
QWidget * layoutWidget_2
QGridLayout * gridLayout_5
QLineEdit * inflow_velocity
QLabel * label_24
QLineEdit * inflow_density
QLabel * label_25
QRadioButton * wind_boundary_1
QLabel * label_21
QLineEdit * inflow_temperature
QLabel * label_26
QLabel * label_20
QLabel * label_19
QLabel * label_23
QRadioButton * wind_boundary_0
QLabel * label_22
QPushButton * help_2
QLabel * label_18
QLabel * label_logo
QLabel * label_10
QGroupBox * groupBox
QWidget * layoutWidget_3
QGridLayout * gridLayout_3
QPushButton * ic_velocity
QPushButton * ic_density
QPushButton * ic_wind
QPushButton * ic_marker
QPushButton * ic_obstacle
QPushButton * ic_temperatur
QPushButton * ic_soundemitter
QPushButton * output_path
QLineEdit * output_path_line
QWidget * layoutWidget_11
QGridLayout * gridLayout_2
QLabel * label_2
QComboBox * filetype
QLabel * label_3
QComboBox * initial_conditions
QComboBox * initial_velocities
QPushButton * help_1
QGroupBox * groupBox_3
QWidget * layoutWidget_5
QGridLayout * gridLayout_7
QLabel * label_28
QLabel * label_31
QLabel * label_29
QLabel * label_33
QLineEdit * end_time
QLabel * label_30
QLabel * label_32
QPushButton * help_3
QLineEdit * restart_frequency
QLineEdit * output_frequency
QWidget * layoutWidget_6
QGridLayout * gridLayout_18
QLabel * label_55
QGridLayout * gridLayout_14
QLabel * label_43
QLineEdit * openmp
QPushButton * help_4
QGroupBox * groupBox_4
QWidget * layoutWidget_7
QGridLayout * gridLayout_20
QLineEdit * gasconstant
QLabel * label_63
QLabel * label_64
QLabel * label_5
QLineEdit * specific_heat_capacity_gas
QLabel * label_11
QRadioButton * viscosity_on
QRadioButton * viscosity_off
QWidget * layoutWidget_8
QGridLayout * gridLayout_21
QLabel * label_65
QLineEdit * cfl
QLabel * label_66
QLineEdit * gamma
QPushButton * help_5
QGroupBox * groupBox_5
QWidget * layoutWidget_9
QGridLayout * gridLayout_10
QLabel * label_35
QRadioButton * gravity_on
QRadioButton * gravity_off
QPushButton * help_6
QLabel * label_6
QRadioButton * startified_atmos_on
QRadioButton * startified_atmos_off
QGroupBox * groupBox_6
QWidget * layoutWidget_12
QGridLayout * gridLayout_13
QLabel * label_41
QPushButton * help_7
QLabel * label_40
QRadioButton * wind_emitter_on
QRadioButton * wind_emitter_off
QLineEdit * wind_speed
QLabel * label_42
QWidget * layoutWidget_13
QGridLayout * gridLayout_16
QLabel * label_44
QLineEdit * obstacle_density
QLabel * label_45
QLabel * label_48
QLineEdit * obstacle_temp
QLabel * label_49
QLineEdit * obstacle_diff
QLabel * label_50
QLabel * label_47
QRadioButton * obstacle_off
QLabel * label_46
QRadioButton * obstacle_on
QLabel * label_4
QLineEdit * specific_heat_capacity_obstacle
QLabel * label_27
QWidget * layoutWidget_14
QGridLayout * gridLayout_17
QLineEdit * marker_density
QLabel * label_53
QRadioButton * marker_field_on
QRadioButton * marker_field_off
QLabel * label_54
QLabel * label_52
QLabel * label
QGroupBox * groupBox_7
QWidget * layoutWidget_4
QGridLayout * gridLayout_4
QLabel * label_7
QLabel * label_8
QComboBox * dimension
QLabel * label_9
QLineEdit * extend_z
QLineEdit * extend_y
QLineEdit * extend_x
QSpinBox * res_z
QSpinBox * res_y
QSpinBox * res_x
QGroupBox * groupBox_8
QPushButton * save
QPushButton * open
QPushButton * reset
QLineEdit * filename
QGroupBox * groupBox_9
QWidget * layoutWidget_15
QGridLayout * gridLayout_19
QLineEdit * soundPressureLevel
QPushButton * help_8
QLabel * label_58
QLineEdit * soundEmitterFrequency
QLabel * label_56
QLineEdit * obstacleSoundAbsoption
QLineEdit * soundReflexionCoefficient
QLabel * label_67
QLabel * label_61
QRadioButton * Soundemitter_on
QLabel * label_51
QLabel * label_62
QLabel * label_57
QLabel * label_59
QLabel * label_60
QRadioButton * one_pulse_on
QRadioButton * Soundemitter_off
QRadioButton * one_pulse_off
QMenuBar * menubar
QMenu * menuFile
QMenu * menuSimulation
QMenu * menuAbout
QMenu * menuConfigure
QStatusBar * statusbar
QButtonGroup * buttonGroup_4
QButtonGroup * buttonGroup
QButtonGroup * buttonGroup_2
QButtonGroup * buttonGroup_3

Detailed Description

Definition at line 1765 of file ui_mainwindow.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: