TYCHO  1.3.0
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/home/kapf/tycho_docu/TYCHO.c File Reference
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "variables_global.h"
#include "prototypes.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


int max_array (int a, int b)
int main (int argc, char *argv[])

Function Documentation

int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

This is the main driver of the simulation program. In this function the simulation is initiated, initial conditions are read in or calculated and the main simulation loop is set up. The hydrodynamic simulation is realized with 1D sweeps in all direction and forward/ backward. In addition diffusion and obstacle physics routines are called, when stated in the parameter file.

Definition at line 67 of file TYCHO.c.

References advection, boundary::back, bound, C1_visc, callocate_arrays_global(), cell_volume, counter, counter_restart, dB_Map_ready, diffusion(), dimension, boundary::down, dt, dt_calc(), dt_calc_first(), dt_integrated, endtime_sim, filetype, boundary::front, Gamma, Gamma1, grav_acc, gravity_on_off, hydro_sweeps(), initiate_domain(), initiate_domain_dom(), initiate_domain_marker(), initiate_grid(), intial_soundspeed, boundary::left, make_ic(), make_ics, make_kh_instabilities(), make_sod_ic(), max_array(), max_array_length, minute_in_sec, nmaxx, nmaxy, nmaxz, nminx, nminy, nminz, noise_generator(), number_of_threads, obstacle_heat_conductivity, obstalce_absorption_coefficient, olddt, output_frequency, pre_old_copy(), prepare_the_dB_map(), pressure_on_solid_calc(), pressure_on_solid_reset(), read_dom(), read_ic(), read_marker_file(), read_restart(), read_soundemitter(), read_wind_file(), reset_pressure_integrated(), restart, restart_frequency, boundary::right, S_visc, shock_or_not, small, smallp, smallr, sound_frequency, sound_pressure_level, sound_reflexion, specific_heat_capacity_gas, specific_heat_capacity_obstacle, start_file_reader(), time_sim, boundary::up, velocity_field_analyser(), viscosity_on_off, wind_on_off, with_obstacles, with_one_pulse, with_sound_emitter, write_amira(), write_ic_amira(), write_ic_ifrit(), write_ic_tyc(), write_ic_vtk(), write_ifrit(), write_restart_tyc(), write_tyc(), write_vtk(), x, xmax, xmin, y, ymax, ymin, z, zmax, and zmin.

int tmp1;
int i, j, k;
#ifndef _OPENMP
// For performance analysis issues.
clock_t cputime_sim1, cputime_sim2;
clock_t cputime_sim1_eta, cputime_sim2_eta;
#ifdef _OPENMP
// For performance analysis issues.
double cputime_sim1, cputime_sim2;
double cputime_sim1_eta, cputime_sim2_eta;
double seconds, seconds_eta;
// File for loading simulation parameter from parameter file.
char filename[200];
restart = 0;
// How many second has a minute ;-)
minute_in_sec = 60.0;
//for sound-emitter simulations some initial values
// Parameterfilename as argument.
if (argc > 1) {
sprintf(filename, "%s", argv[1]);
if (argc == 1) {
printf("-TYCHO SIMULATION--\n");
printf("-Linux Version --\n");
printf("-V1.3.0 Oct. 2013--\n");
printf("Please specify a\n");
printf("parameter File\n");
// restart logic
if (argc == 3) {
restart = 1;
printf("---------------This is a TYCHO Simulation--------------\n");
printf("---------------------Linux Version --------------------\n");
printf("---------------Version 1.3.0 released Oct. 2013--------\n");
printf("The code will restart from last checkpoint\n");
Output on the standardout at programme start
printf("---------------This is a TYCHO Simulation--------------\n");
printf("---------------------Linux ----------------------------\n");
printf("---------------Version 1.3.0 released Oct. 2013--------\n");
printf("The resolution of the simulation is\n%i %i %i\n", x, y, z);
printf("The domain extend in meter in x,y and z is\n%g %g %g\n", xmax,
//to avoid zero time steps
if ((xmax == 0.0) && (xmax == 0.0) && (zmax == 0.0)) {
printf("Attention the extend of your computational domain is a singularity!\n");
printf("We better stop.\n");
printf("Your boundary conditions are\n%i %i %i %i %i %i\n",
printf("Your simulation endtime in minutes is\n%g\n", endtime_sim / minute_in_sec);
if (gravity_on_off == 0) printf("Gravity is off\n");
if (gravity_on_off == 1) printf("Gravity is on\n");
if (wind_on_off == 1) printf("A wind marker file will be processed\n");
if (with_obstacles == 0) printf("No Obstacles within computational domain\n");
if (with_sound_emitter == 1) printf("With sound emitter\n");
if (with_one_pulse == 1) printf("With a single sound-shock emitted\n");
if (advection == 1) printf("A marker field will be advected with the HYDRO solution\n");
if (viscosity_on_off == 1) printf("Viscosity is switched on\n");
if (obstacle_heat_conductivity != 0.0) printf("Heat Diffusion is switched on\n");
#ifdef _OPENMP
printf("You are using %i threads in parallel\n", number_of_threads);
//To get output on the standard out
#ifdef _OPENMP
// Sets the number of threads specified in the parameter-file.
// Get the maximum number of cells in all three dimension.
tmp1 = max_array(x, y);
// The minimum and maximum index of the cells without ghost cells.
nminx = 6;
nmaxx = nminx + x - 1;
nminy = 6;
nmaxy = nminy + y - 1;
nminz = 6;
nmaxz = nminz + z - 1;
//Cell Volume
if (dimension == 3) cell_volume = (xmax / x)*(ymax / y)*(zmax / z);
//Cell Area
if (dimension == 2) cell_volume = (xmax / x)*(ymax / y);
//Cell length
if (dimension == 1) cell_volume = (xmax / x);
// Let's start the simulation at the beginning of time.
time_sim = 0;
// If Gravitational acceleration the famous constant is defined here.
if (gravity_on_off == 1) {
grav_acc = -9.81;
} else {
grav_acc = 0.0;
// Gamma for gas physics.
Gamma = Gamma1 - 1.0;
// Small numbers of error handling.
small = 1.0E-50;
smallr = 1.0E-50;
smallp = 1.0E-50;
//C1_visc and S_visc constant for determine the viscosity with Sutherland's law
C1_visc = 1.456E-6;
S_visc = 110.4;
// The point of origin.
xmin = 0;
ymin = 0;
zmin = 0;
counter = 0;
// Dynamic allocation for global variables and arrays.
//To get output on the standard out
// Initiate variables for the hydro solver.
//To get output on the standard out
// Make Initial Conditions or read the from a file in or read only the obstacle domain.
if (restart == 0) {
if (advection == 1) {
read_marker_file(x, y, z);
if (wind_on_off == 1) {
read_wind_file(x, y, z);
if (make_ics == 0) make_ic(x, y, z);
if (make_ics == 1) read_ic(x, y, z);
if (make_ics == 2) {
make_ic(x, y, z);
read_dom(x, y, z);
if (make_ics == 3) make_sod_ic(x, y, z);
if (make_ics == 4) make_kh_instabilities(x, y, z);
// Initiate variables for the computational domain if obstacles are involved.
if ((with_obstacles == 1) && (make_ics == 0)) initiate_domain(x, y, z);
if ((with_obstacles == 1) && (make_ics == 2)) initiate_domain_dom(x, y, z);
//read in the sound emitter file
// The initial conditions are written into files.
if ((filetype == 0) && ((make_ics == 0) || (make_ics == 2) || (make_ics == 3) || (make_ics == 4))) write_ic_tyc(x, y, z);
if ((filetype == 1) && ((make_ics == 0) || (make_ics == 2) || (make_ics == 3) || (make_ics == 4))) write_ic_vtk(x, y, z);
if ((filetype == 2) && ((make_ics == 0) || (make_ics == 2) || (make_ics == 3) || (make_ics == 4))) write_ic_amira(x, y, z);
if ((filetype == 3) && ((make_ics == 0) || (make_ics == 2) || (make_ics == 3) || (make_ics == 4))) write_ic_ifrit(x, y, z);
if (restart == 1) {
read_restart(x, y, z);
printf("Restart files are read.\n");
//To get output on the standard out
// Here the actual hydro solver starts.
// calculate a first time-step
dt_calc_first(x, y, z);
//In the case of a harmonic soundemitter, we have to calculate a new extend,
//because of the frequency 100 cells per lambda is quite okay
//if the extent of the computational domain is large enough this given extend
//will not be changed
//if just one soundpulse is emitted (i.e. a weak shock), this is not necessary
if ((with_sound_emitter == 1) && (with_one_pulse == 0)) {
double x_max_new, y_max_new, z_max_new;
x_max_new = xmax;
y_max_new = ymax;
z_max_new = zmax;
double wavelength_divisor = 100.0;
x_max_new = (intial_soundspeed / sound_frequency) / wavelength_divisor * x;
if (dimension > 1) y_max_new = (intial_soundspeed / sound_frequency) / wavelength_divisor * y;
if (dimension > 2) z_max_new = (intial_soundspeed / sound_frequency) / wavelength_divisor * z;
if ((x_max_new < xmax) || (y_max_new < ymax) || (z_max_new < zmax)) {
xmax = x_max_new;
ymax = y_max_new;
zmax = z_max_new;
printf("New extend due to harmonic soundsource\nextend in x-direction: %g\nextend in y-direction: %g\nextend in z-direction: %g\n", xmax, ymax, zmax);
printf("Intial_soundspeed %g [m/s]\n", intial_soundspeed);
dt_calc_first(x, y, z);
printf("The beginning time-step: %g [s]\n", dt);
//To get output on the standard out
// For the shock detection we set the variable shock_or_not to zero.
//the present pressure are copied into the pre_old array
if ((with_sound_emitter == 1) && (restart == 0)) reset_pressure_integrated(x, y, z);
if (with_sound_emitter == 1) pre_old_copy(x, y, z);
if (with_sound_emitter == 1) noise_generator(x, y, z);
// For performance analysis issues.
cputime_sim1 = clock();
#ifdef _OPENMP
cputime_sim1 = omp_get_wtime();
// The main Hydro loop, which runs until counter is smaller then a certain integer.
do {
// For performance analysis issues.
cputime_sim1_eta = clock();
#ifdef _OPENMP
cputime_sim1_eta = omp_get_wtime();
//Noise source, i.e. periodic pressure changes
if (with_sound_emitter == 1) noise_generator(x, y, z);
//the present pressure are coped into the pre_old array
if (with_sound_emitter == 1) pre_old_copy(x, y, z);
// The time-step is now copied to the old time-step.
olddt = dt;
// The time-step due to the CFL criteria is determined.
dt_calc(x, y, z);
// the arrays where the pressure on the solid is stored
// are reseted here
The Hydro Sweeps forward: In 1D only in x, in 2D in x and y, and
finally in 3D in the x,y and z direction.
hydro_sweeps(x, y, z, 0);
//if heat diffusion is set on
if (obstacle_heat_conductivity != 0.0) diffusion(x, y, z);
//Noise source, i.e. periodic pressure changes
if (with_sound_emitter == 1) noise_generator(x, y, z);
//the present pressure are coped into the pre_old array
if (with_sound_emitter == 1) pre_old_copy(x, y, z);
// The time-step due to the CFL criteria is determined.
dt_calc(x, y, z);
// the arrays where the pressure on the solid is stored
// are reseted here
The Hydro Sweeps backward: In 1D only in x, in 2D in x and y, and
finally in 3D in the x,y and z direction.
hydro_sweeps(x, y, z, 1);
// if heat diffusion is set on
if (obstacle_heat_conductivity != 0.0) diffusion(x, y, z);
// Velocity Field Analyser
//Noise source, i.e. periodic pressure changes
if (with_sound_emitter == 1) noise_generator(x, y, z);
//the present pressure are coped into the pre_old array
if (with_sound_emitter == 1) pre_old_copy(x, y, z);
// Calculate the total pressure on the solid in the computational domain.
// What time is it?
time_sim = time_sim + 2 * dt;
// For performance analysis issues.
cputime_sim2_eta = clock();
#ifdef _OPENMP
cputime_sim2_eta = omp_get_wtime();
seconds_eta = (cputime_sim2_eta - cputime_sim1_eta) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
seconds_eta /= 2.0;
#ifdef _OPENMP
seconds_eta = (cputime_sim2_eta - cputime_sim1_eta);
seconds_eta /= 2.0;
//check if we have to reset the pressure_integrated array
//and store the stuff in the dba-map;
if ((dt_integrated >= 1.0 / sound_frequency) && (with_sound_emitter == 1) && (with_one_pulse == 0)) {
//make a db map;
//reset stuff for the generation of the next dB map
if ((with_sound_emitter == 1) && (with_one_pulse == 1)) {
//make a db map;
// Write output files at a given frequency
if (filetype == 0) write_tyc(x, y, z, counter);
if (filetype == 1) write_vtk(x, y, z, counter);
if (filetype == 2) write_amira(x, y, z, counter);
if (filetype == 3) write_ifrit(x, y, z, counter);
// For performance analysis issues.
cputime_sim2 = clock();
#ifdef _OPENMP
cputime_sim2 = omp_get_wtime();
seconds = (cputime_sim2 - cputime_sim1) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
#ifdef _OPENMP
seconds = (cputime_sim2 - cputime_sim1);
printf("%3.1f percent done\n", 100.0 / (float) endtime_sim * (float) time_sim);
printf("time:%g [s], dt:%g [s]\nshock:%i\ncounter:%i\n", time_sim, dt, shock_or_not, counter);
if (counter > 0) {
if ((((endtime_sim - time_sim) / dt) * seconds_eta) < 60.0) {
printf("Estimated time to simulation end: %4.2f seconds\n", ((endtime_sim - time_sim) / dt) * seconds_eta);
if (((((endtime_sim - time_sim) / dt) * seconds_eta) > 60.0) && (((((endtime_sim - time_sim) / dt) * seconds_eta) <= 3600.0))) {
printf("Estimated time to simulation end: %4.2f minutes\n", ((endtime_sim - time_sim) / dt) * seconds_eta / 60.0);
if (((((endtime_sim - time_sim) / dt) * seconds_eta) > 3600.0) && ((((endtime_sim - time_sim) / dt) * seconds_eta) <= 3600.0 * 24.0)) {
printf("Estimated time to simulation end: %5.2f hours\n", ((endtime_sim - time_sim) / dt) * seconds_eta / 3600.0);
if ((((endtime_sim - time_sim) / dt) * seconds_eta) > 3600.0 * 24.0) {
printf("Estimated time to simulation end: %5.2f days\n", ((endtime_sim - time_sim) / dt) * seconds_eta / (3600.0 * 24.0));
if (seconds < 60.0) printf("Time since last output: %4.2g [s]\n", seconds);
if ((seconds > 60.0) && (seconds < 3600)) printf("Time since last output: %4.2g [min]\n", seconds / 60.0);
if (seconds > 3600.0) printf("Time since last output: %4.2g [h]\n", seconds / 3600.0);
if (filetype != 0) {
printf("Restart files are written.\n");
//To get output on the standard out
// For performance analysis issues.
cputime_sim1 = clock();
#ifdef _OPENMP
cputime_sim1 = omp_get_wtime();
} while (time_sim <= endtime_sim);
printf("Program aborted normally\n");
printf("End-time of simulation reached\n");
return 0;
int max_array ( int  a,
int  b 

Definition at line 45 of file TYCHO.c.

Referenced by main().

double tmp;
if (a < b) tmp = b;
if (a == b)tmp = b;
if (a > b) tmp = a;
return tmp;