#-------WELCOME TO TYCHOS PARAMETER FILE-------------- #-------THIS FILE WORKS ONLY WITH TYCHO V1.0----------- #COMMENTS HAVE TO START WITH # #THE ORDER OF PARAMETERS HERE IS MANDATORY #IF YOU WISH TO INCLUDE MORE PARAMETERS HERE #MAKE SURE TO EDIT START_FILE_READER.C #HAVE FUN #----------------------------------------------------- #TYCHO Files[0], VTK RECTILINEAR_GRID BINARY Files [1], AMIRA MESH [2] #or IFRIT uniform scalar data files [3] 1 #Make ICs by editing the source file make_ic.c yes [0] #Read in initial conditions [1] #Only the obstacle distribution is read in [2] #A Sod Shock Tube is generated with [3] #Kelvin Helmholtz instabilities in 2D [4] #Your initial conditions have to be in TYCHO file format! 2 #Initial Conditions in TYCHO file format #Initial density dummy #Initial temperature dummy #Initial velocity dummy #Initial wind /home/kapf/tycho_examples/windchannel/windchannel_emitter.tyc #Initial obstacle /home/kapf/tycho_examples/windchannel/windchannel.tyc #Initial marker dummy #Initial velocity field file present [1] or not [0] 0 #Output directory /home/kapf/tycho_examples/windchannel/ #Stratified Atmosphere [1] or constant Atmosphere [0] 0 #Basic properties #Resolution #x y z 1053 745 1 #Dimension 2 #Length scale #meter in x,y,z 10 7 0 #Boundary conditions #Boundary conditions #0.....zero gradient #1.....reflecting #2.....small padding #3.....outflow boundaries #4.....inflow boundaries #5.....periodic boundaries #Bound.down, bound.up, bound.left, bound.right, bound.front, bound.back #Bound.down is set automatically to reflecting in case gravity is #switched on 0 0 0 0 0 0 #if inflow boundaries the inflow velocities and density #inflow_velocity [m/s], inflow density [kg/m^3] and inflow temperature [K] #if you want to start with the constant velocity and direction over the whole #computational domain you have to set the last parameter in this section to #[1] for everywhere. If you want only inflow from boundaries from the starting #you have to set this parameter to [2]. 100 1.229 300 2 #Simulation end-time in minutes 1 #Output frequency in seconds 0.001 #Restart frequency in seconds 0.01 #CFL Number 0.3 #Gravity [on--1] / [off--0] 0 #Gas constant 287.058 #Gamma factor 1.667 #Wind-emitters 1 #Wind speed [m/s] 30 ##Number of Threads for OpenMP] 4 #With obstacle [0--off]/[1--on] 1 #Obstacle density [kg/m^3] 7874 #Obstacle temperature [K] 300 #Obstacle Thermal diffusivity [m^2/s] 0.000023 #Specific heat capacity gas [J/kgK] 1.005 #Specific_heat capacity obstacle [J/kgK] 0.450 #A Marker Field is advected with the HYDRO Simulation [0--off]/[1--on] 0 #Marker density [kg/m^3] 0 #Viscosity of gas [0--off]/[1--on] 0 #--------END OF PARAMETERFILE-----------------